Conference of the 25th anniversary of EAC


Are you ready to make a difference in contributing/helping to build a statement that defines




If yes, you should attend the 

conference of the 25th anniversary 

of the European Association for Counselling 


on the 29th and 30th of April 2017 in Athens, GR


The conference will be held at the Hellenic American College in Athens, Greece, starting on Saturday at 9.30 a.m. and finishing on Sunday at 3 p.m. You’ll receive all the details by the end of October.



Euro cons

European Association for Counselling

23 Cranwell Court




Dear All

You will recall that the Executive Committee and the Governing Board agreed the present fee structure of the EAC is, after 25 years, no longer fit for purpose. The proposal was agreed and accepted at the Governing Board in Milan 2016 and this letter is to remind everyone that the new fee structure comes into force on 1st January 2017.

The fee invoices will be coming out shortly and the Executive would appreciate your help in getting the fees paid as soon as possible in order that we may carry out the work that the Governing Board has approved including arranging and running the conference in Athens 29th to 30th April 2017.

To remind you, I have detailed the new fee structure below but as a quick summary it was decided that:-

  1. Every NA; NCC; EWO & General Member who have individual counsellors on their register will pay a flat fee plus a small fee for every registered counsellor member of that organisation. The annual fee for each individual counsellor member is €4 with a maximum of €5000 in any year.

  2. To aid administration both in the EAC and the Organisations there will be no need to submit personal details of the individual counsellor members. Each Association will submit the number of counsellor members registered with them.

  3. When an individual registered member applies for the EAC accreditation the sponsoring organisation will submit an application form on their behalf as proof that the sponsoring organisation confirms the EAC Accreditation criteria has been achieved. The annual fee for accreditation is €25.


I am sure you will agree that in supporting the EAC under the new funding the EAC will be able to offer greater support in the development of counselling in Europe by way of Conferences, Research and other member benefits which we have been unable to offer due to diminished funding in the past.

The new scheme meets the criteria of our principles: - Fairness; Solidarity and Proportionality.

Kind regards



Yvonne de Kruijff

EAC President


11th November 2016


New Fee Structure as of 1st January 2017


Member Level

Annual Fee

NA; NCC; EWO;  who have individual members on their register


Each Individual Counsellor Member


  1. General Member attached to NA; NCC or EWO


Individual Counsellor Members of General Member


  1. General Member not attached to NA; NCC or EWO


Individual Counsellor Members of General Member



Notes to the above table:

The €4 annual fee only applies to Individual Counsellors registered with the above organisations with a maximum level of € 5000.

  1. These fees apply to General Members who are members of the EAC through either an NA; NCC or EWO.
  2. These fees apply to General Members who are members of the EAC but are NOT attached to a NA; NCC or EWO.


Qualification Criteria for the above membership levels as set out in the EAC Operating Regulations. In order to qualify for the above levels of membership:

A National Association must have at least 25 registered individual counsellor members they may also have Organisational Members who have registered counselling members.

A NCC can have individual members but must have 3 or more Counselling Associations who play a role in the governance of the NCC. These associations must have registered individual counsellor members. The associations work as one to represent Counselling in their country.

An EWO must have Organisational members operating in at least six European Countries, who are general members of the EAC and have registered individual counsellor members.

A General Member either Counselling association and/or Training Institute who is attached to one of the above and has individual counsellor members qualifies through their joint membership for a discounted EAC membership fee of €150 plus €4 for each of their registered individual counsellors.


Accredited Members applying for EAC Accreditation will still need to complete an application form and pay €25 administration fee per year in addition to the €4.


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